Tuesday 27 August 2013

Slave of the Sword (1994)

Director: Yen-ping Chu

Stars: Pauline Chan, Shu-Chun Ni, Hsuan Shao
Country: China
Date released: 18 Mar 1994
Quality: Vcdrip
Format: mp4
Genres: Adult/ Action

During a period of upheaval, an itinerant performer has a troupe of four children, one of whom ishis daughter Mu-Lin. Jump ahead 15 years, he's ready to retire and has arranged Mu-Lin'smarriage. Someone he recognizes enters his house and murders him. Mu-Lin is brought to afancy bordello where the most beautiful prostitute, Yeh Hong, takes a special interest in her. Oneof Yeh Hong's lovers, Kim, who is an assassin, also develops a relationship with Mu-Lin. He andYeh Hong may be working with the emperor's eunuch; all are power hungry. Things seem more than coincidental: does Mu-Lin have a history with this trio? If so, what is it?

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